Thursday, August 30, 2018


Today we are going to tell you which is the best office desk, or rather, some of the best models that you can acquire this 2018 to equip your office.

It is not always easy to know which one best fits your particular company, so today we will help you in your search and show you some examples.

Office desk: which to choose?
First of all, how do I know which model fits best in my company? It is not always easy to hit the new office table, however, there are a number of factors that you must take into account before making the choice.

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Space and location in the office for the new desk

It is the first factor that you must take into account before deciding on one or the other model. It is useless for the table to be the best in the world if it does not fit in the maximum space available to it. For this reason, we must take into account the place where it will be placed.

Usefulness and functionality of the table

In addition, the "why" is going to use the desktop is crucial when choosing to choose one or another model. For example, it is not the same to use a table to write by hand than to work with the tablet.
However, the intensity and frequency with which you work with the desk also influences the type of table you should choose. It is not the same table that is used daily, almost 8 hours a day, that one that only works 2 hours very "from time to time".

Aesthetics and decoration of the rest of the stay 

A priori, almost unimportant. It happens that we do not look at how they can combine the new office furniture with the general aesthetics of the rest of the room (sometimes it can be a big mistake). You have to take into account the colors, the decoration ... in short, the image of the company.

Look at the materials

The type of materials that were used to build the desk will also define the quality of the table and, therefore, will affect the durability of the same. In addition, the sustainability of office furniture is increasingly important, which is why it is also emphasized that the different pieces of the table are recycled and recyclable. Many office furniture manufacturers are specialists in this.

3 office desks that you can use in your company

There are many desks that you can use in your office, so we will show you a selection with very different models that can help you in your choice:

Mesa Prism
This desk is very striking, because, due to its cleanliness and simplicity, it is totally atypical. This model fits in companies that want to reflect an innovative and transparent culture.

Twist table
Like the Prism table, it is also a part of the manufacturer Actium. It is perhaps one of the options that can best fit in your company, especially because this collection allows many configurations that adapt to any space and with many options.

Mesa X3
In this case the desk is by Quadrifoglio and the highlight of this product is that it has a simple and minimalist design.

What is the best office desk for 2018?
We finish this article by showing you what is the office desk for "top" for this 2018: The Temptation adjustable desk, by Sedums.

This operating table is one of the most practical and best design you can use to equip your office. And it is adjustable in height, and this elevation can be done automatically or electrically.
In addition, this table can have a skirt, separator and even computer support.
This table is an excellent choice in terms of office tables and ergonomics, as it allows the employee to have a more ergonomic workplace and, therefore, healthier.

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It's been a while since we've been moving forward that the architecture of the office is increasingly inspired by the home. That is why it is not surprising that the decoration and the accessories used also do so.

In particular, natural objects, which allow us to continue maintaining the connection with nature and green, are those that enjoy greater popularity in these environments.

From Flexi working we will show you what kind of elements you can use to best equip your workspace.

Essential natural elements to equip my office

More than an element, here we refer to the use of this material in different objects or places. Use it on the tables of your desk, on the doors or on the frames of these, in small decorative objects ...
Benefit: contributes to the warmth of the premises.

The plant is one of the best options due to its many advantages. On the one hand, it is the best way to include natural elements without going through too many jobs: they are not animals, so they do not bark, you will not have to feed them or take them for a walk.
In addition, you can choose it to your liking: the color, the size, the place and even the smell that you prefer.
Did you know that auxiliary tables with planters are also currently available or is the office equipment with vertical gardens fashionable?

The medium - sized plants (minimum of 40 cm.) And that do not require too much light are ideal, because they do not take up too much space.

Benefit: Reduce dust, pollution, absorb noise and electromagnetic waves and help increase productivity and welfare of the employee and visitor.

Craft elements with natural fabrics or textures
This type of decoration, although it does not necessarily have to come from all the cases of nature, most of them are made with some kind of natural material. Some example? Vases, wicker baskets, or any other type of craft.

Benefit: humanize and personalize the office.

Design and organic architecture
As in the case of wood, it is not an element either. But a good way to represent nature and bring it to work spaces. What do we specifically mean?
·         For example:
-          The design of columns that imitate the texture and shape of a tree
-          The use of blue glass partitions that remind us of the marine
-          To the equipment of walls with wavy shapes that give dynamism and vitality to the office
Benefit: they allow the employee's inspiration and creativity to increase.

Choose several, of medium size, and arrange them in the proper way to form an original composition. The place? In a decorative plate, on the table, in the form of sculpture ...
Benefit: It is a very daring element, but learning to use it well, is an indispensable and very powerful piece in any office that seeks to be productive.

You will not equip your office with a spring (or yes), but you can include a fish tank, a small decorative fountain ... there are many shapes, sizes and designs.
Benefit: do not forget that water serves to enhance balance, tranquility and harmony.

What do you think of these elements? Would you use them to equip your office? Do you think we should add some more?


Are you thinking of renovating the nursing home furniture of your residence? Or maybe you're making new equipment? If the answer to any of the 2 is yes, then we invite you to stay because this article is for you.

Today in Flexi working we will talk about the geriatric equipment, specifically, about the characteristics that the furniture of this type of spaces should have, designed to be used by seniors.

11 characteristics of the geriatric furniture

The most important thing is the functionality, then there is the design.
You will see that there is not so much difference between the characteristics of the furniture that is used to equip the hotels and the geriatrics. In fact, the fundamental difference is the type of customers and users who use the furniture.

Thinking about the people who will be its users, we must always look for ergonomics and, in this case, above all, comfort and ease when using it.

This does not mean, in any case, that the design of the geriatric furniture does not occupy its place, as you will have the opportunity to check later.

Stackable furniture

We usually associate this characteristic with the chairs of collectivities and with spaces of formation, however, in the geriatric ones the versatility is also looked for, for that reason the chairs and the stackable tables are very appropriate to equip certain areas, as for example in waiting rooms or common areas of the geriatric.

Easy mobility

If we talk about versatility, an interesting feature that we should value especially when buying our furniture is mobility. On the one hand, it may be that the furniture already incorporates mechanisms that facilitate its transfer (such as wheels, for example); on the other, if the furniture does not weigh too much, it is also an advantage.

Safe and stable structures

The most important thing is that the structure of the chair or table does not pose a risk for the elderly.
When choosing furniture, we must pay attention to the fact that the different pieces that make up the furniture do not incorporate projections that could be dangerous and that the design of the entire product is simple.
The base of the furniture (both the chair and the table) must be stable, since users must be able to feel safe when using it and lean on it.

Rounded shapes

It is another feature that the furniture must present: corners and angled shapes are not appropriate for use in this type of space. On the contrary, it is recommended to acquire furniture with soft and rounded designs.

Good finishes and quality materials

If we used to talk about trying to minimize user risks when using furniture, it is also essential to choose furniture made with quality materials and with excellent finishes. It would not be wise to equip the nursing home with furniture that had the joints of the wrong corners or with the melamine sheets half removed. 

In addition, you will see that furniture structures are often made of metal or wood. While the first one reminds us more of an aesthetic of "hospital" or clinic, the second is closer to the warm atmosphere that characterizes the home. 

Being a furniture that will have an intensive and frequent use, It is important to invest in quality product.

Seat of chairs 

It is not recommended that it be very high, so that it is easy to sit and stand up, also allowing the user to rest their feet on the ground. 

In fact, if you look, the chairs most used in the geriatric equipment are the armchairs and armchairs: they are comfortable and facilitate the movement (sit-lift) of the user.

Backrest for chairs

The patients of a nursing home tend to use chairs for long periods of time, so the backrest of the chairs must be adequate and stable for the back of the user.
In general, the chair should have a large size so that the user has enough space.

With arms

Almost always, as a general rule, the seating will have armrests, so that the user can support his arms and help him to sit and stand up.


chairs The chairs should always be upholstered, so that the user's comfort is as possible as possible.

Easy cleaning

This aspect is fundamental in the geriatric furniture, since especially when we talk about textiles, it is necessary to use materials that repel stains, bacteria and microorganisms. Within this range of advanced fabrics, you can find the Sanitec as one of the most recognized, although lately Silvered has been breaking out with force, available in a wide range of colors. 

As for surfaces and structures, the ideal is to opt for non-porous materials, resistant to moisture and easy to maintain. Melamine, aluminum, stainless steel or plastic are some of the most suitable in this regard.

Textures and textiles and soft colors

Although at the beginning of the article we said that design was not essential, we also indicated that we should give importance, since it also takes its place by making the stay more pleasant.
The tones of furniture upholstery, for example, are recommended to be light in color and pastels, which are not violent or aggressive to the human eye. On the other hand, it is also not recommended that the green color be abused, since it is a tone that reminds us of hospitals, when what is sought in this type of organization is to generate a warm atmosphere that reminds the home; that makes you feel at home.

What do you think of these characteristics? Had you previously noticed these little details?

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